Rabu, 09 Juni 2010

Something info about me

heyheyhey welcome to my blog. i'm a newbie.

nama: mifta ratna maghfira a.k.a tata (i've only one nickname)
ttl: 5 Juni 1997 (wanna give some gifts when my birthday come huh?)
sex: female (agak diragukan-_-)
tinggal: cibubur, perumahan, numpang, rumah orang tua
hobi: baca buku, tweeting, blogging huh?
motto: if someone hurt your heart, pay it if you wanna find more trouble, but leave it if you want to fix problem (oke ini asal yang penting ada di otak gua) :p
fav music: glee, secondhand serenade, etc, pop, ajep-ajep (?)

some random fact:
  • sometimes i'm lazy to do my homework
  • maybe i'm a gleek
  • cepet bosan
you can describe me after you read this blog. DON'T DESCRIBE IF YOU AREN'T READ THIS BLOG BEFORE.

keep enjoying and have fun :)
and bye :D

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